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Public Health Data Collection and Reporting in Idaho


Public Health Data Collection and Reporting in Idaho

Subtopic Statute/Regulation Description
Confidentiality of reported data (Cross reference Privacy & Confidentiality) Idaho Admin. Code r., Confidentiality of Records and Public Records Act Compliance and Requests Classifies EMS Response records and data collected by the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness as confidential. Permits disclosure...
Idaho Admin. Code r., EMS Response Records and Data Collected Classifies EMS response records and data collected or captured by local EMS agencies of the EMS Bureau as confidential. Permits disclosure of such...
Idaho Admin. Code r., Induced Abortion Reporting Forms — Compilations Requires reports of induced abortions sent to the Vital Statistics Unit to comply with standards established in § 39-261. Clarifies that such...
Idaho Admin. Code r., Special Disease Investigations Authorizes the Department of Health and Welfare to conduct special investigations into the causes of reportable diseases and methods of prevention....
Idaho Code Ann. § 37-2730A, Prescription Tracking Program Requires the Board of Pharmacy (“board”) to establish a controlled substances prescription tracking program as a means of tracking...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-1004, Laboratory Report of Test Requires laboratories that analyze blood samples of pregnant persons for syphilis to report the  results to the physician that ordered the test...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-4505, Blood Testing Permits physicians to order testing of a patient or deceased person’s blood for blood or body fluid transmitted diseases without prior consent...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-4803, Immunization Registry Requires the Department of Health and Welfare to create a registry of childhood immunization data. Specifies the information that the registry must...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-606, Reports Requires reports to the Director of the Department of Health and Welfare regarding STD cases to include patient names.  Permits public health...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-610, Disclosure of HIV and HBV Reporting Information Prohibits the discovery or admission of confidential public health reports in civil or administrative hearings. Permits disclosure of such...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-9504, Abortion Complication Reporting Requires health care facilities and medical practitioners to report symptoms or conditions that they believe arose following an abortion procedure....
Idaho Code Ann. § 57-1706, Confidentiality Requires the Department of Health and Welfare to maintain the confidentiality of identifying  information maintained in the central cancer...
Idaho Code Ann. § 57-2006, Confidentiality Classifies TSE Registry information and records as confidential and prohibits disclosure of such material unless authorized by Idaho laws or...
Public health reporting requirements Idaho Admin. Code r., EMS Agency Compliance Requires EMS agencies to collect and submit EMS response records through the Prehospital Electronic Record Collections System (PERCS) and Patient...
Idaho Admin. Code r., Report Contents and Method of Reporting Specifies the information that must be included in communicable disease reports (e.g., the name and address of the person reporting, the diagnosed...
Idaho Admin. Code r., Controlled Substances: PDMP Requires pharmacies and prescribers to report controlled substances data to the prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP). Prohibits prescribers,...
Idaho Code Ann. § 37-3303, Limitations on Sales and Purchases Prohibits the retail sale or purchase of pseudoephedrine products to a single customer on a single day that contain an aggregate amount of...
Idaho Code Ann. § 37-3303A, Electronic Tracking System Requires the Board of Pharmacy to create an electronic tracking system as a means of monitoring the sale of pseudoephedrine products. Specifies the...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-4505, Blood Testing Permits physicians to order testing of a patient or deceased person’s blood for blood or body fluid transmitted diseases without prior consent...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-5403, Consent — Filing and Notice Requirements Prohibits a woman from undergoing artificial insemination unless she consents in writing and her husband both requests the procedure and consents in...
Idaho Code Ann. § 54-1733F, Tuberculin Purified Protein Derivative Products Permits pharmacist to prescribe and administer tuberculin purified protein derivative products as a test for tuberculosis if they have completed an...
Idaho Code Ann. § 54-5511, Disclosure and Recordkeeping — License Renewal Requires licensed midwives to obtain informed consent prior to providing care. Specifies the information that they must disclose as part of the...
Idaho Code Ann. § 56-1028, Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency System Council — Duties — Rulemaking Tasks the Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency System Council with developing a voluntary statewide system that includes trauma, stroke, and heart attack...
Idaho Code Ann. § 57-2004, Participation in the Program Requires licensed hospitals to report time sensitive emergency cases to the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness (“Bureau...
Disease specific reporting requirements: Abortion Idaho Admin. Code r., Induced Abortion Reporting Forms — Compilations Requires reports of induced abortions sent to the Vital Statistics Unit to comply with standards established in § 39-261. Clarifies that such...
Idaho Admin. Code r., Abortion Procedures: Provider Qualifications and Duties Requires Medicaid providers, when performing an abortion of a pregnancy that occurred because of rape or incest, to submit to the Department of...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-261, Induced Abortion Reporting Forms Requires the vital statistics unit to create a form for reporting abortions. Prohibits the Unit from collecting information that would identify the...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-9504, Abortion Complication Reporting Requires health care facilities and medical practitioners to report symptoms or conditions that they believe arose following an abortion procedure....
Disease specific reporting requirements: Communicable diseases/reportable diseases (as designated by each state) Idaho Admin. Code r., Persons Required to Report Reportable Diseases, Conditions, and School Closures Establishes reporting requirements for physicians, health care facility administrators, laboratory directors, school administrators, persons...
Idaho Admin. Code r., Report Contents and Method of Reporting Specifies the information that must be included in communicable disease reports (e.g., the name and address of the person reporting, the diagnosed...
Idaho Admin. Code r., Reportable or Restrictable Diseases, Conditions and Reporting Requirements Provides a table of the diseases or conditions that the persons identified in Idaho Admin. Code r. must report. Lists the timeframe for...
Idaho Admin. Code r., Investigation and Control of Reportable Diseases Requires the Department of Health and Welfare to confirm cases or suspected cases of reportable diseases. Permits disease investigations upon a...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-1004, Laboratory Report of Test Requires laboratories that analyze blood samples of pregnant persons for syphilis to report the  results to the physician that ordered the test...
Screenings for conditions if the results are required to be reported Idaho Admin. Code r., Duties of the Administrator of the Responsible Institution and the Person Required to Register the Birth of a Child Identifies the conditions that infants must be tested for upon their birth (e.g., congenital hypothyroidism, critical congenital heart disease, etc...
Idaho Admin. Code r., Laboratory Duties Requires laboratories that conduct testing on infant blood specimens to participate in the CDC’s Newborn Screening Quality Assurance Program....
Idaho Admin. Code r., Follow-Up for Unsatisfactory Specimens, Presumptive Positive Results and Positive Cases Requires laboratories that conduct newborn screening tests to immediately report unsatisfactory dried blood specimens to the provider that submitted...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-604, Confined and Imprisoned Persons Requires persons to undergo STD testing upon their imprisonment in a state prison and to receive treatment if testing indicates a disease. Requires...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-909, Tests for Phenylketonuria and Preventable Diseases in Newborn Infants Requires health care facilities to test newborn infants for phenylketonuria and any other preventable diseases required by the State Board of Health...
Disease specific reporting requirements: Congenital abnormalities Idaho Admin. Code r., Follow-Up for Unsatisfactory Specimens, Presumptive Positive Results and Positive Cases Requires laboratories that conduct newborn screening tests to immediately report unsatisfactory dried blood specimens to the provider that submitted...
Idaho Admin. Code r., Newborn Critical Congenital Heart Disease (CCHD) Screening Establishes standards for CCHD screening. Requires hospitals or, for a birth outside of a hospital, the birth attendant to record pulse oximetry...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-902, Report to Health Officer Imposes a duty on health care providers, health care facilities, or other persons that assist in the delivery of an infant to report observed...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-905, Duties of Local Health Officer Requires local health officers to investigate reported cases of infant eye inflammation and to report the results as directed by the Board of Health...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-909, Tests for Phenylketonuria and Preventable Diseases in Newborn Infants Requires health care facilities to test newborn infants for phenylketonuria and any other preventable diseases required by the State Board of Health...
Public health Registries Idaho Admin. Code r., Controlled Substances: PDMP Requires pharmacies and prescribers to report controlled substances data to the prescription drug monitoring program (PDMP). Prohibits prescribers,...
Idaho Code Ann. § 37-2726, Filing Prescriptions — Database Requires persons that dispense controlled substances and opioid antagonists to electronically report the dispensing to the Board of Pharmacy (“...
Idaho Code Ann. § 37-2730A, Prescription Tracking Program Requires the Board of Pharmacy (“board”) to establish a controlled substances prescription tracking program as a means of tracking...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-4803, Immunization Registry Requires the Department of Health and Welfare to create a registry of childhood immunization data. Specifies the information that the registry must...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-4804, Notification to Parent or Guardian Specifies the information that a health care provider must disclose to a child’s parent or guardian prior to administering an immunization (e.g...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-906, Duties of Director Requires the Director of the Department of Health and Welfare to implement and enforce Idaho’s  infant eye inflammation reporting law....
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-910, Duties of Director in Enforcing Act Tasks the Director of the Department of Health with enforcing the act that requires infants to undergo testing for phenylketonuria and other diseases...
Idaho Code Ann. § 56-1028, Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency System Council — Duties — Rulemaking Tasks the Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency System Council with developing a voluntary statewide system that includes trauma, stroke, and heart attack...
Idaho Code Ann. § 57-2001, Purpose of Registry Specifies the issues that the Time Sensitive Emergency (TSE) Registry is meant to identify and evaluate (e.g., trauma, stroke, and heart attack...
Idaho Code Ann. § 57-2003, Establishment of TSE Registry Requires the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness (“Bureau”) to establish a Time Sensitive Emergency (TSE) Registry....
Idaho Code Ann. § 57-2004, Participation in the Program Requires licensed hospitals to report time sensitive emergency cases to the Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Preparedness (“Bureau...
Violations of reporting requirements Idaho Code Ann. § 39-1006, Penalty for Violations Classifies violations of the provisions governing syphilis testing of pregnant persons—including breaches of confidentiality— as...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-906, Duties of Director Requires the Director of the Department of Health and Welfare to implement and enforce Idaho’s  infant eye inflammation reporting law....
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-910, Duties of Director in Enforcing Act Tasks the Director of the Department of Health with enforcing the act that requires infants to undergo testing for phenylketonuria and other diseases...
Idaho Code Ann. § 39-9506, Penalties and Professional Sanctions Establishes misdemeanor liability for persons that willfully submit abortion reports with false information or willfully discloses information from...
Disease specific reporting requirements: STDs Idaho Code Ann. § 39-602, Report of Venereal Disease to Health Authorities Requires health care providers that treat or diagnose a venereal disease and persons in charge of a hospital, facility, or institution in which a...
Birth defects reporting requirements Idaho Code Ann. § 56-1028, Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency System Council — Duties — Rulemaking Tasks the Idaho Time Sensitive Emergency System Council with developing a voluntary statewide system that includes trauma, stroke, and heart attack...