Private Insurance Data Requirements in Missouri
Private health insurance companies and health plans are subject to a number of requirements in the state of Missouri. In particular, health maintenance organizations (HMOs) must provide financial, structural, and grievance information to its enrollees.1 HMOs must also provide enrollees with a written disclosure statement that outlines the specific terms of coverage.2 This requirement extends to all health insurers in the state of Missouri.3 All information held by an HMO is confidential, and may only be disclosed under limited circumstances. The law also requires HMOs to have separate provisions regarding the confidentiality of mental health records.4 HMOs must also maintain a register of all grievances filed against the organization.5
In order to better meet the needs of all citizens of Missouri, the state has authorized the development of community based HMOs. Community based HMOs must meet certain state specified requirements, and demonstrate its involvement in performance improvement as well as public accountability of cost, quality and access to health care for the particular community.6