Medicaid/CHIP Data Requirements in Missouri
Missouri’s Medicaid program, called MO Health Net must keep records of applicants and beneficiaries for at least five years.1 Missouri law has numerous safeguards to protect the confidentiality of recipients and applicants of medical assistance. The law requires all records be confidential2 and that individuals employed by the MO Health Net program be prohibited from disclosing any information that would identify a beneficiary or applicant.3 However, the Department of Social Services, the agency that administers MO Health Net may use individually identifiable information for treatment, payment health care, or research purposes without a beneficiary’s authorization. In all other instances, the Department must obtain a Health Net beneficiary’s written authorization before disclosing confidential health information.4
Missouri law has encouraged care improvement in the state’s Medicaid program through the use of health information technology. The state has adopted legislation implementing the provisions of HITECH, which provides for incentive payments to qualifying Medicaid health care providers, who meaningfully use electronic health records.5 The law also requires that all Medicaid claims be filed electronically6, that statistical data be put on the MO Health Net website7 and telehealth or information exchange programs be utilized.8 In addition, Missouri fosters care improvement by requiring that all MO Health Net plans be enrolled in a Health Improvement Plan and that all MO Health Net beneficiaries be enrolled in a health home. The Department of Social Services must evaluate and assess the plans based on specific criteria set forth in the law.9 The Medicaid Oversight Committee is responsible for the evaluation process, and must review comparative health plan data, delivery model data, and results of public input.10 Further efforts to enhance the quality of health care are seen through quality data indicator collection requirements of health plans participating in Medicaid.11