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N.Y. Comp. Codes R. & Regs. tit. 10 § 62.4 - Access to Confidential File of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders

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N.Y. Pub. Health Law § 2001 requires physicians to report cases of Alzheimer’s to the department of health, and § 2002 requires that the department of health take measures to keep this information confidential while carving out a narrow exception for scientific researchers and authorized department employees.  § 2004 gives the commission of the department of health the responsibility of promulgating the necessary rules and regulations to ensure the maintenance, confidentiality of and access to these Alzheimer’s records.
This regulation governs the access to these confidential records.  The regulation states that confidential files of reported Alzheimer’s and related disorders patients be entered into a computer system.  The regulation requires that persons seeking access to the files complete a form stating their name, organization and a description of their research purpose.  The regulation requires that requesters inform the department if they intend on contacting the patients as part of the research.  The requester is required to guarantee in writing that they will maintain the confidentiality of all the information they gain access too from the Alzheimer’s disease registry.  The regulation requires that the department of health consult with the requester’s references and supervisor before granting access, and that the commissioner determine whether to give the requester access.

Current as of June 2015