Federal and State Program Integrity in Ohio
To ensure the integrity of Ohio’s medical assistance programs, the law provides a number of fraud, waste and abuse provisions governing the Medicaid and Medicare programs. The Ohio department of job and family services will establish a program to detect and prevent fraud, waste and abuse in the Medicaid program, including submission of false claims.1 Managed health care programs must have procedures to guard against fraud and abuse, and must report all instances of fraud and abuse to the department of job and family services.2 Medicaid fraud will be considered a first-degree misdemeanor, and, depending on the monetary amount of the fraud, can be a fifth, fourth or third degree felony, with all associated penalties available.3 Submission of a false claim to the Medicaid program will subject a provider to a range of penalties, including repayment of an amount equal to three times the amount of excess payment, a monetary penalty of $5,000 to $10,000 for each false claim, payment of interest, other reasonable expenses incurred by the state and termination of the provider agreement.4