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Medicare Data Requirements in Minnesota

        The state of Minnesota requires Medicare providers to maintain medical records, health care records, financial records, including appointment books and billing transmittal forms for five (5) years from the billing date.1  In order to ensure cost effective and quality care for Medicare and other elderly beneficiaries, the state authorized the Seniors’ Agenda for Independent Living (SAIL) project, which is a demonstration project for collaborative long term care.2



  • 1. MN ADC 9505.0205
  • 2. M.S.A. §256B.0917


Medicare Data Requirements in Minnesota

Subtopic Statute/Regulation Description
Medicare Data Requirements M.S.A. ยง256B.0917 Seniors’ Agenda for Independent Living (SAIL) Projects The Seniors’ Agenda for Independent Living (SAIL) project is authorized by the law...
MN ADC 9505.0205 Provider Records A participating provider with Medicaid or Medicare or other medical assistance programs must maintain medical records, health care...