Private Insurance Data Requirements in Maine
Maine has enacted a Health Care Bill of Rights that provides patients with certain basic rights when obtaining health insurance. Insurance carriers are required to provide its policyholders with clear written explanations of its policies, procedures and coverage of benefits.1 The law requires that if any consumer submits a written request to an insurer for access to recorded personal information, the insurer must inform the individual of the nature of the information and permit the individual to view and copy the information within 30 days after the date the request is received. Health insurers are also restricted from disclosing personal information about a consumer, except under specific circumstances, as outlined by law.2 The insurer is also required to provide a record of those carriers and agencies to whom the insurer has disclosed the information during the last two years. The individual is also given an opportunity to correct, change or delete any recorded personal information. Instead of disclosure directly to the individual, the information may be provided to a designated health care practitioner.3 In addition, the law requires health maintenance organizations to maintain the confidentiality of any data relating to the treatment, diagnosis, or health of an enrollee. 4