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Research in Indiana

Indiana does not have specific regulations that pertain to health information that is used for research purposes.  However, the state does give hospital medical staff access to records to evaluate the condition and treatment of patients for research purposes, to obtain statistics on the prevention and treatment of conditions, and to reduce morbidity and mortality.1



  • 1. Ind. Code §16-39-6-1


Research in Indiana

Subtopic Statute/Regulation Description
Mortality/morbidity studies (disease specific, or specific to a certain population) Hospital Medical Staff Access to Records – Ind. Code Ann.§ 16-39-6-1 Hospital Medical Staff Access to Records The state of Indiana finds it in the public interest to give hospital medical staff committees access to...
Use of publicly reported data for research purposes Establishment and Requirements of the Indiana Cancer Registry – Ind. Code Ann. § 16-38-2 The state maintains a cancer registry for the recording of all cases of malignant disease and other tumors and precancerous diseases that are...
Registry data used for research purposes Establishment and Requirements of the Indiana Cancer Registry – Ind. Code Ann. § 16-38-2 The state maintains a cancer registry for the recording of all cases of malignant disease and other tumors and precancerous diseases that are...
Informed consent requirement to participate in research (Cross reference Care Coordination): From patient's primary health care provider Establishment and Requirements of the Indiana Cancer Registry – Ind. Code Ann. § 16-38-2 The state maintains a cancer registry for the recording of all cases of malignant disease and other tumors and precancerous diseases that are...
Informed consent requirement to participate in research (Cross reference Care Coordination): From patient Establishment and Requirements of the Indiana Cancer Registry – Ind. Code Ann. § 16-38-2 The state maintains a cancer registry for the recording of all cases of malignant disease and other tumors and precancerous diseases that are...
Research Ind. Code Ann. § 16-38-4-11 - Access to confidential information in birth problems registry for research This law allows state department of health to grant access to confidential information about individual patients to people involved in legitimate...
Ind. Code Ann. § 16-38-4-12 - Requests for additional information from the birth problems registry This law allows researchers to use the names of individual patients when requesting additional information for state purposes as long as they get the...
Ind. Code Ann. § 16-39-6-4 - Use or publication of obtained information from hospital medical records by hospital medical staff committees This law states that hospital medical staff committees are allowed to use the confidential hospital records made available to them only to evaluate...