Health Information Technology in Indiana
In an effort to anticipate the greater use of health information technology, the state of Indiana has enacted a law that deals with the health information practices of an interactive internet medical practice site.1 Indiana law also requires that patient medical records must include all copies of the patient related electronic communications, including emails between the patient and physician, prescriptions and laboratory results.2 The law also regulates the use of patient-physician electronic mail communications. Physicians are required to maintain policies and procedures that govern the use of email communications. The policies must include a privacy policy, quality measures, and emergency protocol.3
Further developments in the state’s health information technology program include the creation of the Indiana Health Informatics Corporation. The Corporation must develop a plan for a statewide health information exchange, and facilitate technological improvements to that end.4 The law provides that the health information exchange developed by the Corporation must be compliant with the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).5