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Standards, Follow Up Procedure, and Confidentiality Regarding the Surveillance and Monitoring System for Certain Newborns - Mo. Rev. Stat. § 191.928

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The statute above provides for the confidentiality of medical records collected under Missouri’s Newborn Hearing Screening Surveillance and Monitoring System.

According to Missouri law, all newborns must be screened for hearing loss.  This statute provides that records related to hearing loss screenings of newborns must be kept confidential by the state’s newborn hearing surveillance system, and that such information may not be released in a manner that would identify an individual.  However, the Department of Health and Senior Services may release or exchange information as necessary to public servants or to health care professionals for follow-up services for newborns with hearing loss without a parent or guardian’s written release.

Related laws:  Missouri Revised Statutes Chapter 191 § 191.925 outlines Missouri’s Newborn Hearing Screening Surveillance and Monitoring System, providing that every newborn delivered in an ambulatory or hospital shall be screened for hearing loss prior to discharge.

Notes:  Disclosure of information in violation of the statute will constitute an unauthorized release of confidential information, and the person who discloses will be liable for civil damages.

Current as of June 2015