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Resource centers for Provision of Social Services – Wis. Stat. Ann. § 46.283
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Resource Centers for Provision of Social Services
Resource centers are created through contracts with the DHS and counties, long-term care districts, or tribal governments, and these resource centers are funded by DHS. DHS is required to make sure that all resource centers make certain services available to the public – information and referral services, determination of eligibility for family care benefit, prevention and intervention services, counseling about benefits programs, determination of financial eligibility for services, advising eligible persons on their care management needs, transitional services to families with children who have disabilities, and determination of eligibility for state supplemental payments and medical assistance.
The law further sets forth the duties for resource centers – providing services to those within the designated geographic area, submitting all necessary reports to DHS, implementing quality assurance processes, cooperating with any review by an external advocacy organization, providing information about available services and benefits, performing financial screening services for residents, making sure that all emergency calls are responded to promptly, and targeting its services based on findings made by the board of the resource centers.
The law also sets forth the duties for the governing board of a given resource center, which include - determining policies overseeing the operations of the resource center, gathering information from consumers and providers of services, identifying gaps in service and resources, recommending strategies to serve older persons and persons with disabilities efficiently, identifying new sources of resources and funding for clients, appointing members to regional long-term care advisory committee, reviewing interagency agreements, reviewing grievances.
The law states that all resource center records containing personally identifiable information about someone receiving services are confidential, and may not be disclosed without the person's consent, except when a resource center needs to share the information to help administer the program and when necessary to enable the resource center to perform its duties or coordinate services for a client.
Current as of June 2015