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Requirements for Reports Made to the Head and Spinal Cord Registry - Mo. Rev. Stat. §192.739
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Current as of June 2015
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All reports and records that are made regarding the head and spinal cord injury registry must be confidential. Information cannot be made available to any person except the following:
- Relevant staff of the department;
- A person engaged in research, except no individually identifiable information may be used unless the researcher receives consent from the patient;
- Missouri head injury advisory council, except no individually identifiable information may be used without the patient’s consent;
In general, the Department cannot release the identities of the patient or the treating physician without the written consent of the patient or physician, respectively. Such consent may only be requested if it necessary for research.
The Department must compile the data it receives in a report at least annually.
Related Laws: 19 CSR 30-41.010
Current as of June 2015