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Substance Abuse Records and Part 2: New Products Now Available

42 CFR Part 2 ("Part 2") are federal regulations governing the confidentiality of drug and alcohol abuse treatment and prevention records. The regulations include requirements applicable to certain federally assisted substance abuse treatment programs limiting the use and disclosure of substance abuse patient records and identifying information. Generally, written patient consent is required in... Read More >

Health Insurance Marketplaces: New Products from Health Information & the Law

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires a health insurance marketplace or exchange to be established in each state.  The marketplaces are entities organized to provide competitive markets for buying health insurance for individuals who do not get health care coverage through their employers and small businesses (in separate Small Business Health Options or SHOP Exchange... Read More >

New Myth Busters on Access to PHI Under HIPAA

The HIPAA Privacy Rule identifies two specific instances where covered entities are required to disclose an individual's PHI: to the individual and to the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  In addition to these required disclosures, the Privacy Rule allows a covered entity to disclose an individual’s PHI to a family member involved in the individual’s... Read More >

Notice of Privacy Practices: New Products from Health Information & the Law

The HIPAA Privacy Rule requires health plans and covered health care providers to develop and distribute a notice, referred to as a Notice of Privacy Practices (NPP), that clearly explains the entity’s privacy practices and the rights individuals have related to the privacy of their protected health information (PHI). We invite you to learn more about the core elements of an NPP... Read More >

New Products on Patient Authorization Requirements and Exceptions under the HIPAA Privacy Rule

The HIPAA Privacy Rule allows a covered entity, such as a physician or a health plan, to disclose patient protected health information (PHI) without first obtaining a patient’s authorization for treatment, payment, and other purposes such as research and quality improvement activities. The Rule requires a covered entity to obtain an authorization in writing from a patient prior to any other... Read More >

Long-Term Care and Health Information Technology: Opportunities and Responsibilities for Long-Term and Post-Acute Care Providers

This article, written by Patricia MacTaggart and Jane Hyatt Thorpe for the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)'s research journal Perspectives in Health Information Management, addresses what Long-Term and Post-Acute Care (LTPAC) providers need to know about the role health information technology (HIT) plays in health systems transformation in order to be a viable... Read More >

Exchanging Health Information: Key HIPAA Issues for AF4Q Alliances and CVEs (Webinar)

This webinar provides information on key changes to the HIPAA Rules made by the HIPAA Omnibus Final Rule in January 2013. The presentation covers the application of the updated HIPAA rules to business associates and to the sale and de-identification of protected health information, and focuses specifically on how those changes will impact the exchange of health information. The presentation also... Read More >

FDA Releases Guidance on Mobile Health Applications

The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) released guidance on mobile health applications on September 25, 2013.  The guidance states that the FDA will focus its oversight activities on mobile health applications that are intended to be used as an accessory to a medical device or to transform a mobile platform into a medical device.  The guidance emphasizes that the FDA will not target... Read More >

Price Transparency Resources: New Products on the Release of Price Information

Price transparency is increasingly important as consumers become more engaged and the health care system shifts to focus on value rather than volume.  States have a wide variety of laws and regulations in place regulating the release of price information, the type and format of price information that patients can access, and mechanisms to collect these data.  In addition, Medicare... Read More >

CMS Releases White Paper With Data On Year 1 of the Meaningful Use Program

On September 20, CMS released a white paper that presents a summary of those eligible providers (EPs) and hospitals (EHs) that successfully attested to meaningful use Stage 1 in the 2011 program year. Results are analyzed by specialty type as well as state, and the paper includes data on participant performance, use of exclusions, and deferral of menu measures. The paper focuses on five areas of... Read More >